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Oluwafemi Ekundayo
The internet is a tool that has changed the way communication is done. Secondary school students have the opportunity to use the Internet to improve their learning as information about the subjects offered in class can be downloaded and studied by the students. Observations revealed that a significant percentage of secondary school students who have access to the Internet utilize this tool in ways that will impact their learning negatively. The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of Internet use on learning by secondary school students.
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A study on the use of the Internet in Senior High Schools in the Cape Coast Metropolis of Ghana
Kofi Ayebi-Arthur
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Internet Usage and its effect on Senior High School Students in Bantama Sub-Metro in Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana
The internet has become the fountain of information access for senior high school students and academics. Poor telecommunication infrastructure, difficulties in accessing relevant information, inadequate computers, high cost of bundle, system failure, low internet bandwidth, power fluctuation are some challenges Senior High students find in their quest to access information on the internet. The study sought to determine internet usage and its effect on students of three Senior High schools in the Bantama Sub- Metro in the Kumasi Metropolis. The study adopted the survey research design, and the quantitative research approach was used; hence questionnaires were the main instrument employed for data collection. A total of 360 students were conveniently sampled from three selected Senior High schools. From the results, it was found that students accessed information on the internet prominently for communication, recreation, and learning. The public internet café was the highest point of...
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The Impact of Internet on Students of National Teachers' Institute Zaria Centre, Nigeria
Hussaini SULEIMAN, Ph.D
This research work was carried out to determine The Impact of Internet on Students of National Institute Zaria Centre, Nigeria. The population of the study was the students of National Teachers' Institute, Zaria Centre, Nigeria. Survey method of the research and stratified random sampling was used for the study to select 120 postgraduate students for the study. However, 100 respondents responded to the questionnaires distributed. The data was presented and analyzed in tables and percentages. The research discovered that majority of the students spend about 2 hours on daily basis to browse on internet. The research reveals that majority of the students are computer and internet literate. The research further reveals that most of students joy using e-mail and Web browsing as their favourite internet services. It also reveals that online activities has positive impact on the students and also has influenced the accessibility of online information usage of students in National Teachers' Institute Zaria Centre, Nigeria. This implies that most of the students are internet users. 1. INTRODUCTION In the past two decades, the personal computer has played a significant role in our everyday lives. With the growth in popularity and networking of computers, intercommunication between different computers became easier, which led to the phenomenon called Internet. It is the most talked about computer technology. The Internet has irrevocably invaded many aspects of daily life. What was once an obscure scientific research tool has blossomed into a communication plat form used by hundreds of millions of people, Telecom providers use the internet to carry critical voice communications. Banking institutions use it to provide access to account services and market trading. Airline tickets, hotel reservations and car rentals can all be booked with a click of the mouse. More users than ever depend on the internet to connect with family and colleagues using email, instant messaging, voice over IP, photo and video sharing services and online journals. The new technology and communication tools that are available today are much more powerful than those available even a few years ago. According to Abbottabad (2008) the channel for access and distribution of information and knowledge are much more diverse, they collapse the waiting time and provide more tools directly to the users. However, the internet as the world's largest network on information communication and services has changed the way we live and work. The advent if this technology has fundamentally transformed our lives the way the invention of automobile changed how our lives and cities looked and worked before. The maxim that " half the world does not know how the other lives " longer true. As a result the internet is in transition, perhaps the greatest in its history. Originally the internet was concerned with text-based interfaces and keyboard control of remote computers, because of the limited informational capability of the network. It has evolved into a robust and sophisticated system with an informational capacity and computational power that its originator could have scarcely dreamed of. As a result, the internet components are increasingly becoming graphical in nature. High resolution graphics, formatted text, hyper-links, and mouse-driven interfaces are rapidly becoming the standard in much of the community. One interesting medium of today's communication in the world today is the invention of the internet. The internet is also an ideal environment that permits the effective integration of distributed and heterogeneous components, ensuring overall integrity in terms of functional and information inter-working. The popularization and accessibility of internet is changing the way students of National Teachers' Institute Zaria Centre, Nigeria search for information. The impact of internet on the students varied from institute to institute, but it is in constant evolution from a tool to connect people to information, to a social networking vehicle that is changing the way people in all countries communicate with each other. The internet is a term applied to an electric network that permits access to thousands of computer network globally this is because it allows communication with millions of computer used for connection to the internet, a virtually limitless wealth of resources is available for everyday gender, education, occupation, income and even geographical region, with some of the generals conclusions being that males students are more likely
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Thesis on Internet usage in Sec schools in Kenya.pdf
Martin Mungai
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Effects of Internet on the Academic Performance of Tertiary Institutions’ Students in Niger State, Nigeria
Abdullahi Jibrin
This research work investigates the effects of internet on the academic performance of students in tertiary institutions within Niger state, Nigeria. Five research questions were formulated to guide the study. The research design adopted was the survey method using questionnaires as the instrument of data collection. Three institutions were selected and sample of 300 students was randomly selected from these institutions. A questionnaire was distributed for data generation. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. The finding reveals that internet is one of the beneficial tools in this era of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) used in academic exercise. The study also revealed some of the problems encountered in the usage of internet which include slow internet speed and lack of stable power supply. It was recommended among others that the school management should embark on awareness programmes that will sensitize the students to take the advantages der...
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Internet access and usage by secondary school students in a Nigerian Municipality
Wole Olatokun
The study investigated the use and patterns of use of the Internet among secondary school students in Ibadan, a Nigerian municipality, with a view to determining how widespread Internet use was and to examine the activities the students adopt the Internet for. It also aimed at determining possible misuse with a view to proffering solutions. A survey research design was adopted. Questionnaire was the instrument for data collection and analysis was done using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that the majority of the respondents use the Internet for leisure rather than for educational purposes, though some respondents affirmed improved reading habits and academic performances occasioned by Internet use. The greatest barrier to the full exploitation of the Internet was inadequate access. Some inherent risks and problems occasioned by Internet use -namely pornography, scams, etc. -were also identified. The study recommends that there is a need for school authorities and parentsto not only provide Internet facilities for students, but also to adopt strategies to monitor use so as to guard against misuse.
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Internet Use and its Effect on Senior High School Students in Wa Municipality of Ghana
Franklina Adjoa Yebowaah
Library Philosophy and Practice, 2018
The internet is a technology that has become an enormous part of people’s daily lives. Over the last decades, internet connectivity has improved tremendously and is available everywhere such as homes, offices, travels and schools. Today, empirical studies report that access to information can influence the academic performance of students. However, studies on internet use among Senior High School Students are limited in the Wa Municipality making it uncertain whether Senior High School Students in the Wa Municipality use internet and the impact it makes in their academic performance. Hence, this study investigates the internet use and its impact on Senior High School students in the Wa Municipality. Primary data were obtained from a random selection of 314 Senior High School Students who are in their third year. The data were collected using a questionnaire and then analysed using descriptive statistics, chi-square and ANOVA. The results indicate that sources of internet to Senior H...
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Chinwe P . Ihuoma, ROTIMI M I C H A E L AKANDE
Trends in Educational Studies Journal (TRESJ), 2020
The study assessed the level of Internet usage among secondary school students in mainland area of Lagos State. Descriptive survey design was adopted and population covers all secondary school students in Mainland local government area of Lagos state. 116 secondary school students from four (4) secondary schools in Mainland local council development area of Lagos state were used as sample. Self-constructed questionnaires titled: "the assessment of Internet usage among secondary school students" was used for data collection. The questionnaire was designed in such a way that the items of information required from the respondents were not cumbersome, so as to elicit prompt answers from them. The questionnaire was validated by the researchers and experts in the area of test and measurement. The reliability of the questionnaire was determined using test-retest method with the correlation coefficient of 0.87. Data obtained were analysed and tested using simple percentage, frequency count, standard deviation and the z-test statistic. The findings show that the level of internet usage among secondary school students in mainland is very high and use of Internet-enabled devices promoted their academic performance. The need to encourage and regulate internet usage among the secondary school children was recommended.
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Assessing Internet Activities and Its Derived Benefits for Learning Among Secondary School Students in Ilorin South, Kwara State, Nigeria
Olanrewaju Olatayo Solomon
This study was carried out to investigate students' internet activities and its benefits on their learning outcomes in a secondary school in Ilorin South, Ilorin, Kwara state, Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey; three research questions were raised to guide the study. There were 256 students for the study sample and the instrument utilized was researchers' designed questionnaire with 20 items. The statistical tools used for data analysis included frequency count, simple percentage and mean score. The findings showed that students utilized internet for playing games, watching movies and as a place that provides quality learning contents and best answers to their schoolwork among others. Furthermore, the findings indicated that students had many benefits from the internet such as, motivating them to go on adventure, found fun and able to solve many schoolwork/assignments. Based on the findings, the study recommends that students of secondary education should be encouraged to pay attention more to educative activities online than other activities, and get focused on their academics accordingly. The stakeholders in general and secondary school authority in particular should monitor well the activities students engage themselves with online. 1. Introduction Internet technology has come to stay at this 21 st century and everyone both old and young is encouraged to buy into the new adventure; this is also known as digital technology. The Internet technology permeates every aspect of the economy and society; and it is fast becoming the language of transaction in all human endeavours. It is pertinent to know therefore, that developing countries are struggling to get attuned to this world order, as this technology brings considerable benefits to economy developments, educational system, job attainments and personal developments among others. In educational sector, particularly for teachers and students in various schools, instructional activities are made possible online to enhance teachers' delivery and educational attainments on the part of the students. More so, interactivities among students are sustained through the use of internet technology on one to one basis and or group, even with their teachers in confidentiality (Olanrewaju, Adeshina & Kareem, 2016). Also, internet technology is becoming an essential element of our students' lives in all ladders of educational system. There are several activities one could easily be engaged with online to bring about positive impact on the development of ones' education and personal social among others. However, as the internet technology has brought tremendous merits on the users, so also it might expose them to online risks. For instance, access to inappropriate contents, harmful interactions with other peers or with adults, and exposure to aggressive marketing practices are all potential disadvantages on internet activities. Students' online activities may also put their computer systems at risk and disseminate their personal data without understanding the potential long-term privacy consequences. While many of these risks may be simply considered as the digital extension of existing offline threats to children, the measures that protect them against these risks are not always easy to effectively migrate to a virtual and global digital environment (OECD, 2012). The internet is a global connectivity of network linking several other networks and electronically bringing millions of people together with the use of computers and smartphone worldwide. It could also be said to be that which helps people to demystify abstract ideas and concepts, pass information through a fast means across to one another and intensify acceleration of information to any location because of its ubiquitous nature. It is capable of bridging gaps by removing distance from various locations and a shared experience of happenings from far is brought very close to one in visual, audio and or video formats (Olanrewaju, et al, 2016). Livingstone (2015) stated that the network makes it possible for information stored in the major computers known as host to be accessible by other users inspective of the distances separating them. The spread and or connectedness of production, communication and technologies across the world have involved the interlacing of economic and cultural activities globally. This requires any computer connected to the internet to link to other computer or the network and go through the files or pages of information, a process known as browsing the web. Hence, people get connected and are closer to one another. They have the opportunity to know one another better, to become aware of what is common among nations and might be able to unite them. Other things to consider are
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